Sunday, November 29, 2009

Positive Possibility: Engaging Feminine Power for Maximum Success

I’m proclaiming 2010 as the year of Positive Possibility for Feminine Power.

2009 introduced me to many women’s organizations that are thriving by bringing women together to empower themselves and each other to benefit our world. (Find links at the end of this post.)The call is going out loud and clear and women are rising individually and collectively to answer it. These women share a common vision of changing our world for the better, and yet each individual woman understands that before she can empower others, she must empower herself to reach a place in her own life that affords her the time and energy to devote her courage and creativity to the larger issues facing humanity. Our businesses cannot grow unless we grow ourselves. I’m committed to growing my self every bit as much as the businesses I am building, for I absolutely understand that my inner world is always reflected outside of me. A thriving, evolving, abundant and growing business reflects my inner beliefs combined with my willingness to act on those beliefs.

I have created a system of ten questions which I use to stay inspired and moving forward in my life and in my businesses. I invite a wonderful and Divine Feminine presence to observe my thinking and gently guide me back to Source if my mind wanders into any kind of dis-empowering pattern. I also practice deep gratitude every day for the connection to the Divine Abundance that is the source of everything. This inspired action helps me fine tune my inner vibration so that I am in resonance with the Infinite Abundance and opportunities all around me.

Try These Ten Questions to Engage Feminine Power for Maximum Success:

  1. When I am faced with a challenge: How can I approach this challenge with courage and creativity? How is this challenge requiring me to develop a new skill or strengthen an existing one?
  2. When I feel myself retreating or weighed down with frustration: How can I release the excuses I am making and claim my strength so that I can move in the direction of empowered action?
  3. When I am faced with a new obstacle: How is this new obstacle the perfect invitation for me to strengthen my commitment to my goal and to upgrade my passion?
  4. When I feel like giving up: What is the greatest possibility here? What next small step can I take on my journey of discovery?
  5. When I feel the need to ask for help: Where can I find wise counsel? What steps could I take to actively seek advice and direction knowing that new understandings can change my perception and possibilities?
  6. When I need new information or input: Where can I find new experiences that stretch me and opportunities that challenge me to show up in a new way?
  7. When fear and doubt begin to overwhelm me: How are my fear and my doubt ushering in necessary growth? What unknown worlds am I required to enter to develop my greatest potential?
  8. When the needs of others threaten my balance: Can I help others in a way that also allows me to stand in my own power, honor my own boundaries and empower others to do the same?
  9. When procrastination calls my name: What action step can I take toward my goal, knowing there is never a “perfect” or “right” time, only the now moment that I actively proclaim to be the time to take action?
  10. When I need to restore, reflect and renew: What would be the most Self honoring action I could take to acknowledge how far I have come so far and rest and recharge?
I proclaim 2010 as the year for women to let their dreams and goals define who they are, rather than letting their present circumstances define them. Our individual and collective dreams and goals can become the voices that call us forward. Present circumstances have only the power that we give them. Magnificent and positive possibilities abound.

Links to Women's Organizations and Projects that arrived in my 2009.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"An Early Thanksgiving"

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us."
Albert Schweitzer.

Every year since 1988, a certain Rabbi makes a call to Donald Trump to thank him for an act of kindness that happened over twenty years ago. Mr. Trump refers to this in a chapter titled “An Early Thanksgiving,” in his book Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education In Business and Life. The Rabbi always makes the call on the day before Rosh Hashanah, a holiday frequently referred to as the Jewish New Year. He calls Mr. Trump to thank him for support he provided many years ago when his three year old son was stricken with an illness the Los Angeles area doctors could not find a cure for. Because commercial airlines could not accommodate the extensive life support equipment needed to transport the sick boy, the Rabbi had called Donald Trump to request the use of his personal jet to fly the boy to New York. Donald made the arrangements though he did not know the Rabbi.

Unfortunately, a cure was not found, and yet, to this day, the Rabbi remains grateful for the act of kindness from a man he did not know and still remembers to express his thanks year after year. This story is a reminder to all of us to reflect on being able to find the blessings in the midst of adversity as a way to handle difficult or even tragic times.

I came across this story today, while reading the book mentioned above. This Thanksgiving I’m grateful for Donald Trump and the Trump Network. I’m thankful that a man with this kind of character has created an opportunity for everyday people to reclaim their financial futures and I’m grateful to be working with the amazing leaders who shared this opportunity with me, so that I can help others.

Bentley Kalaway
Please contact me for more information

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Hamster Is the Season’s Hottest Toy

Fake hamsters are the hottest kids Christmas item according to an article by Ruth Fremson from the New York Times.The Zhu Zhu Pets are zero-maintenance artificial hamsters. The artificial rodents have some advantages over the real thing. They do not stink, chew electric wires, or run around their cages making noise at night. In fact, they do not need cages. Children are delighted at how they coo and scoot about unpredictably. Parents are delighted not to have to clean up after them. And at $7.99 each, the hamsters are recession-friendly.

The trouble is, Zhu Zhu Pets are so popular that stores cannot keep them in stock. The critters are routinely sold out at the likes of Toys “R” Us, Wal-Mart and Target, though more will hit the shelves the day after Thanksgiving, when deal-seekers wake up early to shop for bargains.

The five different battery-operated hamsters — Chunk, PipSqueak, Mr. Squiggles, Num Nums and Patches — are mainly coveted by girls, according to toy industry professionals. This possibly makes sense; Jim Silver, editor in chief of TimetoPlayMag .com, pointed out that girls also own the majority of live hamsters.

Toys “R” Us said this week that it would have tens of thousands of Zhu Zhu Pets in stock on the Friday after Thanksgiving. But consumers will have to drink coffee with their turkey if they want a hamster: Toys “R” Us stores will open on Thanksgiving at midnight, and the first 100 customers in line will receive a ticket for a Zhu Zhu Pet, with a limit of one for each household.

“Others may try to make a lot of noise out of a few hamsters,” Mr. Storch said, “but we have by far the most inventory and opportunity to find Zhu Zhu at any retailer.” (Next month, Toys “R” Us plans to offer an exclusive $100 Zhu Zhu Pets set that includes — brace yourself — two hamsters, an exercise wheel, a fun house, a car and garage, an adventure ball and a sleep dome.)

Indeed, Cepia has found itself increasing hamster production and fielding phone calls from parents desperately seeking Zhu Zhu Pets, as well as their slightly pricier accessories, like a ramp with slide and a garage with car. There is even a surfboard.

Ms. Hornsby said the hamsters take their name from “zhu zhu,” or “little pig” in Chinese, which the folks at Cepia thought was fitting, given that hamsters are known for making messes.

“The Apprentice meets Amway?” Maybe not such a bad idea.

In an associated press article titled, "Its like the Apprentice meets Amway," released on November 19th, the newly launched Trump Network is given a thorough and only slightly biased dissection. The sincerity Donald Trump personally expresses, in describing his new MLM as a “rescue and recovery” program for people who may need an extra income source during this recession is framed as being “blustery in its bullishness.” I think it is fair to say that many people actually are currently trying to find ways to make extra income. The article also states, “The company hopes the Trump name and image will help sell the products.” Personally, I don’t think it will hurt sales. Actually the company reported that "as a direct result of that article, the phones are ringing off the hook." Those that call in will be placed in contact with existing marketers who have proved their leadership capabilities. Of course the article brings up the usual criticisms that the salespeople end up using most of the products themselves. Would that really be a problem when the products are highly-advanced, scientifically-proven health and wellness products? I don’t think so.

What the article did not say, was that no network marketing company of this magnitude ever launched at a time in history when social media was exploding across the globe. The old days of pitching your hopes and dreams to just your friends and family are gone. Internet marketing has changed the game. The distributors who take advantage of the early growth phase of the Trump Network, and use social media to build their organizations have the most to gain in the coming years as more products are rolled out and more markets in other countries are added. Currently, the fastest growing organizations within the Trump Network are the ones who have adopted these new strategies. Our team works directly with David Carroll and Diamond University. You can, too. David Carroll just broke the company record by going diamond in 90 days.

With the quote “Your financial health is as important to us as your personal health," the Trump Network encourages its marketers to build their businesses responsibly. That is why they offer a $48 option as an entry level position as well as a “Fast Start” option at $497.

Daniel Howard, a professor of marketing at Southern Methodist University's Cox School of Business, was interviewed for the article and offers this discouragement, "Multilevel marketing is a tough business, and most people don't make much money." This is actually true about most businesses in our current economic environment. I’m a professional musician and it is also a tough business where most artists don’t make a lot of money. The ones who are dedicated, focused and never quit at least have a better chance. The problem is that once the gig is done, the money ends. With network marketing, there is a huge difference. Perseverance and a lot of hard work in the beginning could pay off in the form of residual income for years to come. It’s true there are no guarantees in business or in life. It is also true that opportunities to ride a potential wave of this magnitude don’t happen every day.

If you would like to learn how to use social media to begin building your our business contact me.
Read the full news article

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Forbes Announces TV's Second Richest Man

Everyone knows that TV’s meanest and richest man is Simon Cowell, the mastermind from “Idol”, the most watched and profitable show on TV. Most people would never believe that Donald Trump comes in second according to a Forbes list of the richest men in prime-time television. According to the magazine, Trump rakes in $50 million a year from TV. The one factor that sets Donald Trump apart from every other successful man on the list is that Donald doesn’t just appear on “Apprentice”, he owns it with reality producer Mark Burnett. The show has also expanded internationally with local versions in England, Italy, France and South America. Mr. Trump not only gets paid for his on screen time, but he and Mark Burnett split the millions of dollars the shows make each season as each commercial airs, with product sponsors such as, Loews Hotels and Chicken of the Sea.

Trump also reaps millions from his books and the presentations and speeches he makes internationally, and also has lent his name to everything from alcohol to neck ties. His new reality show, ''Omarosa's Ultimate Merger''was just announced this week. The outspoken diva and real estate mogul are reuniting, even though Mr. Trump reportedly can barely stand Omarosa, who was voted top TV reality villain by TV Guide. The show’s drama and intrigue will be built around Omarosa finding a mate among 12 eligible bachelors, who are challenged both on relationship and business issues, until one battered survivor stands triumphant.

One of Donald Trump’s other new ventures has been quietly building steam out of the headlines. Thousands have already joined the Trump Network, a unique marketing opportunity, designed to make people healthier with customized vitamins and nutritional supplements, and to encourage individuals to become entrepreneurs and to take control of their financial well-being. Can you imagine the benefits these individuals will receive as Donald Trump sets out to create one million millionaires globally? What would happen if some of the commercial time for his popular TV shows was used to promote the Trump Network and the benefits were reaped by everyday people instead of corporations? Personally, I’m seeing a perfect storm here for creating a much brighter financial future and I have been successfully building my business with some of the company's strongest leaders, surfing the pre-launch wave. The Trump Network officially launches on November 12th, 2009. I’d be happy to share information on both the Trump Network and why working with my team is the best choice.

Bentley Kalaway

Monday, November 9, 2009

Are You In Your Rich Mind or Your Poor Mind?

According to Michael Masterson's keynote speech: The Special Theory of Automatic Wealth, accumulating true wealth actually all boils down to the decisions that you make. He explains that in every moment of our life we all make the decision to become richer or poorer. A person with a rich mind sees opportunities everywhere. More importantly a rich thinker has also developed the internal and emotional capacity to take action, which could mean actually working on the new project now, or really applying what you just learned at a webinar or seminar. A rich thinker also spends much of their free time researching and gaining new skills. In contrast, a poor thinker believes that there is a limited amount of wealth in the world and that the lucky have most of it. The poor thinker wants his share and uses most of his energy criticizing and condemning the people who have the wealth he thinks he is entitled to. Poor thinkers never become rich.

Nobody makes rich decisions all of the time, but if a person makes enough of them, momentum can be created and they begin to come easier. What happens is that your conscious thinking wakes up and starts to see more opportunities everywhere. They show up through people you meet, books you read, and even problems you face. Each and every spending decision, or life decision you make gives you a chance to reflect and experience whether you are in your "rich mind" or your "poor mind."

It really doesn't matter what kind of business opportunity you represent, or which affiliate programs you are promoting; without a change in your thinking, success will remain out of your reach. Recently, I came across a free video series that took everything I thought I knew about marketing and turned it all upside down. I'm learning the real truth about making money. It's an inside job!