2009 introduced me to many women’s organizations that are thriving by bringing women together to empower themselves and each other to benefit our world. (Find links at the end of this post.)The call is going out loud and clear and women are rising individually and collectively to answer it. These women share a common vision of changing our world for the better, and yet each individual woman understands that before she can empower others, she must empower herself to reach a place in her own life that affords her the time and energy to devote her courage and creativity to the larger issues facing humanity. Our businesses cannot grow unless we grow ourselves. I’m committed to growing my self every bit as much as the businesses I am building, for I absolutely understand that my inner world is always reflected outside of me. A thriving, evolving, abundant and growing business reflects my inner beliefs combined with my willingness to act on those beliefs.
I have created a system of ten questions which I use to stay inspired and moving forward in my life and in my businesses. I invite a wonderful and Divine Feminine presence to observe my thinking and gently guide me back to Source if my mind wanders into any kind of dis-empowering pattern. I also practice deep gratitude every day for the connection to the Divine Abundance that is the source of everything. This inspired action helps me fine tune my inner vibration so that I am in resonance with the Infinite Abundance and opportunities all around me.
Try These Ten Questions to Engage Feminine Power for Maximum Success:
- When I am faced with a challenge: How can I approach this challenge with courage and creativity? How is this challenge requiring me to develop a new skill or strengthen an existing one?
- When I feel myself retreating or weighed down with frustration: How can I release the excuses I am making and claim my strength so that I can move in the direction of empowered action?
- When I am faced with a new obstacle: How is this new obstacle the perfect invitation for me to strengthen my commitment to my goal and to upgrade my passion?
- When I feel like giving up: What is the greatest possibility here? What next small step can I take on my journey of discovery?
- When I feel the need to ask for help: Where can I find wise counsel? What steps could I take to actively seek advice and direction knowing that new understandings can change my perception and possibilities?
- When I need new information or input: Where can I find new experiences that stretch me and opportunities that challenge me to show up in a new way?
- When fear and doubt begin to overwhelm me: How are my fear and my doubt ushering in necessary growth? What unknown worlds am I required to enter to develop my greatest potential?
- When the needs of others threaten my balance: Can I help others in a way that also allows me to stand in my own power, honor my own boundaries and empower others to do the same?
- When procrastination calls my name: What action step can I take toward my goal, knowing there is never a “perfect” or “right” time, only the now moment that I actively proclaim to be the time to take action?
- When I need to restore, reflect and renew: What would be the most Self honoring action I could take to acknowledge how far I have come so far and rest and recharge?
Links to Women's Organizations and Projects that arrived in my 2009.
- The Peaceful Woman (Inspired Women's Retreats)
- BraveHeart Women (Inspired Online Community)
- Lady Lyrica (Inspired Singers and Songwriters)
- Women on the Edge of Evolution (Inspired Teleseminars)
- Abundance Is Mine (Inspired Business for Entrepreneurs)
- The Women's Information Network Inc. (Women Helping Women)