Inspiring and Positive Possibilities for our Changing World.
Hawaiian Wisdom and the true gifts of Aloha
Monday, November 9, 2009
Are You In Your Rich Mind or Your Poor Mind?
According to Michael Masterson's keynote speech: The Special Theory of Automatic Wealth, accumulating true wealth actually all boils down to the decisions that you make. He explains that in every moment of our life we all make the decision to become richer or poorer. A person with a rich mind sees opportunities everywhere. More importantly a rich thinker has also developed the internal and emotional capacity to take action, which could mean actually working on the new project now, or really applying what you just learned at a webinar or seminar. A rich thinker also spends much of their free time researching and gaining new skills. In contrast, a poor thinker believes that there is a limited amount of wealth in the world and that the lucky have most of it. The poor thinker wants his share and uses most of his energy criticizing and condemning the people who have the wealth he thinks he is entitled to. Poor thinkers never become rich.
Nobody makes rich decisions all of the time, but if a person makes enough of them, momentum can be created and they begin to come easier. What happens is that your conscious thinking wakes up and starts to see more opportunities everywhere. They show up through people you meet, books you read, and even problems you face. Each and every spending decision, or life decision you make gives you a chance to reflect and experience whether you are in your "rich mind" or your "poor mind."
It really doesn't matter what kind of business opportunity you represent, or which affiliate programs you are promoting; without a change in your thinking, success will remain out of your reach. Recently, I came across a free video series that took everything I thought I knew about marketing and turned it all upside down. I'm learning the real truth about making money. It's an inside job!
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