Albert Schweitzer.
Every year since 1988, a certain Rabbi makes a call to Donald Trump to thank him for an act of kindness that happened over twenty years ago. Mr. Trump refers to this in a chapter titled “An Early Thanksgiving,” in his book Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education In Business and Life. The Rabbi always makes the call on the day before Rosh Hashanah, a holiday frequently referred to as the Jewish New Year. He calls Mr. Trump to thank him for support he provided many years ago when his three year old son was stricken with an illness the Los Angeles area doctors could not find a cure for. Because commercial airlines could not accommodate the extensive life support equipment needed to transport the sick boy, the Rabbi had called Donald Trump to request the use of his personal jet to fly the boy to New York. Donald made the arrangements though he did not know the Rabbi.
Unfortunately, a cure was not found, and yet, to this day, the Rabbi remains grateful for the act of kindness from a man he did not know and still remembers to express his thanks year after year. This story is a reminder to all of us to reflect on being able to find the blessings in the midst of adversity as a way to handle difficult or even tragic times.
I came across this story today, while reading the book mentioned above. This Thanksgiving I’m grateful for Donald Trump and the Trump Network. I’m thankful that a man with this kind of character has created an opportunity for everyday people to reclaim their financial futures and I’m grateful to be working with the amazing leaders who shared this opportunity with me, so that I can help others.
Bentley Kalaway
Please contact me for more information
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