Monday, July 20, 2009

Deep Sleep: Craving a Rare Delicacy

I crave a rare delicacy that is soft and fluffy, with no sharp flavors. It is concocted from a very specific secret recipe, delivered in the darkest dark, blacker than the night it arrives in. I never know when it might be served. If I did, I would hold it hostage, gorging myself until I became fully intoxicated by the flavor of immense forgetting.

My dark, endangered specialty desert is deep uninterrupted sleep. When the fullness of whole sleep escapes me, I wake up slightly fractured. The depth of sleeping drives the clarity of my waking hours. When my mind cannot spend enough time in the far removed cave of nothing and nowhere, the light in my eyes dims.

I desire sleep that keeps my eyes blind to the pre-dawn world and holds the day back from arriving too soon. My constant craving is for this delightful refreshment. Just one serving allows me to awaken to a light fully established, within and without.

Copyright © Bentley Kalaway 2009


cinnamintgirl said...

Beautifully stated

My sentiments exactly

May I pin this on my sleep board?

cinnamintgirl said...

Beautifully stated

My sentiments exactly

May I pin this to my sleep boad?