Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Magical Writing Child

There is a child who dances out of my being, tossing words here and there, flying some on a kite string, floating others down a river, making mud pies with the rest. The flow of everything she does with those creations is in harmony with the entire Universe. She knows what to say, what to do, what to be and most importantly how to feel. She is not satisfied with good and content. The child muse endeavors to exude sheer light and to express herself with a joy that wells up and cannot be contained.

She lives as a musical, poetic creature, anchoring herself in the soil and growing words with flowing water and brilliant starlight. Her expression has no governor, no restrictor, no limiter. She does not cry when her imagining is done. She simply lets it go and moves on. Spontaneity is her very best friend. They hold hands in the moment on their grand adventure, their thoughts merged, unguarded and open to all.

My rambunctious writing child knows when to pause and be still, knows to listen for the oneness and harmony which long to be shared, delighting completely in being the messenger. Kind and gentle phrases tumble out of the softness in her eyes and the smile on her lips speaks wordlessly of a love designed to find resonance in the hearts of others. She allows words and meanings to flow and change, disappear and form again without attachment, following threads of awareness just to see if they are attached to miracles. And of course, they are.

Copyright © Bentley Kalaway 2009

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