You know you are in the right café when the desert specialty for the day is crème puffs. It’s that much better when you realize how many cosmic crème puffs the Universe serves on a daily basis. I dined on these delicacies all day today in the form of epiphanies. Like the crème puff with its baked pastry covering and vanilla bean custard filling, epiphanies are crusty vehicles carrying sweet intuitive realizations.
Every experience had a crust that it arrived in. This usually triggers my ordinary and patterned thoughts to line up in their regular places for a response. However, when I slowly bit into the experience, something extraordinary happened. New flavors filtered through. I went to the creamy light filled center, to a higher level on the taste spiral for a deeper understanding, an “aha”.
Delicate, evanescent moments tapped my shoulder, over and over and common events became transcendent, magical experiences showing me my place in the big picture. I was not surprised to learn that the word epiphany comes from an ancient Greek word for manifestation. I tenderly held each cosmic crème puff in gratitude for the sudden clarity in answers to questions that had totally perplexed me. It was manifesting my own willingness to go deeper that allowed me to partake of the awareness of loveliness in every epiphany.
All of my “epiphany puffs” arrived in the now moment, each one representing a shell of some aspect of my life as yet unresolved, showing up to see if I was ready to discover how to savor what it held inside. The gifts were healing, delectable and delicious. Yesterday’s crème puffs are never as good. The fresher the crust, the wetter, gooier and more luscious the crème filling can be.

Copyright © Bentley Kalaway 2009
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