Friday, July 31, 2009

Circus in the Kitchen

The kitchen was far from tidy. Stacks of dishes competed for best balancing act in a circus with more than three rings. A neglected stack of magazines and mail was trying it’s best to audition for the ringleader’s attention. Coffee grounds, soggy, black, and now unemployable lie lifeless in the sink, spent from giving their best performance earlier. Faint remains of a path of muddied footprints were now blurred on the floor, the particles of dirt having lost their stand in a storm of other movement. The pristine light of a clear and ordered world sent a perfect beam though the window, spotlighting the chaos.

It wasn’t that the woman didn’t care. She cared deeply. As deeply as caverns carved by underground rivers, and oceans with bottomless floors. Almost as deeply as the love in a mother’s heart for her children. She cared. About words, about music, about what might emerge next from her own depths if she just allowed it to spring up amidst the chores and life’s unending, clamoring “to do” list. The woman knew her creative self was behind the curtain with glorious gifts, descriptions and melodies, enthralled to lace them together and make her profound presentation. A humble performer, she needed just one small thing. Could she please, just for a moment, have the center ring?

Copyright © Bentley Kalaway 2009
Bentley Kalaway Music

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