Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Letting Go Room

I will show you my letting go room. I come here to pay attention to whispers and silent urgings. It used to be too noisy, too full of unfinished forgivings. I knew that love was there, trying to be heard, so I started to carry the loudest things away. Miscellaneous boxes of all shapes and sizes held random contents and curiosities. Some were extremely old, covered with dust and spider webs and some had just been recently stored there, like new clothes with the tags still on.

Quite a few of the boxes were full of little people. I used to think they were big and powerful, so I fed them my fear to keep them that way. Then, later, I had to shrink them so they didn’t feel so threatening. Finally, in a moment of deep openness, and without judgment, I was willing to perceive them truly and I realized they were all my brothers and sisters in the Oneness game we agreed to play. I knew I had created my world and placed everything and everyone on the stage and agreed on the parts. Now, as I walk through this room, one of the silent urgings defines this epiphany perfectly.

“You can no longer blame another for the absence of your own peace”.

I have removed and let go of countless boxes of struggle, tears, toils, and judgments, creating a sweet open space for better imagining. I’ve been very careful of what I place there now, choosing appropriate containers full of my creative power in forms absolutely and completely chosen by my quiet urgings and inspirations. All of the people who have graced the stage of my life are still there, too, but they take very little room now because I see them as light. Like me, they are totally free of past appearances, now shimmering and shining, each a star in their own dream.

My letting go room has the most magnificent view of my Self. Now, when I see that something or someone has sneaked in, insisting that they really exist outside of me, broadcasting that they would seriously like to interrupt my peace and joy, I pause and listen for the whispers. They quietly confirm it is just a picture of a choice made within, and remind me that I am in the letting go room, free to choose again.

Copyright © Bentley Kalaway 2009

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